Sunday, March 1, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Hillary and Obama Officially Charged With Aiding Terrorists

BREAKING NEWS: Hillary and Obama Officially Charged With Aiding Terrorists

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are facing charges for supporting and helping terrorism.
According to Conservative Tribune, the Egyptian government has officially charged the dynamic duo with being accessories to terrorists. The charges stem from Hillary and Obama working with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that the Egyptian government has officially designated a terrorist group.
The complaint against Obama calls him “an accessory to crimes committed by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.” It adds that he “cooperated, incited, and assisted the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes,” Mr. Conservative Reported.
Hillary has been accused of conspiring against Egypt. She is said to have been in contact with Naglaa Mahmood, the wife Muslim Brotherhood member and Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi.
Will this influence Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaigns?
H/T: Mr.Conservative

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