Sunday, March 1, 2015

Judge Nominated By Obama States That Illegal Immigrants Must Be Release

Judge Nominated By Obama States That Illegal Immigrants Must Be Released

Judge Boasberg's ruling also wants border officers to go through a lengthy process if they want to keep an illegal in prison.

Twitter/Onur Kaya
A federal judge nominated by President Obama has decreed that the federal government must offer civil rights to illegals caught at the border–and that all such immigrants must be released unless they pose a threat to Americans.
Judge James Boasberg, of the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia, stated that the immigrants may “have legitimate claims to asylum … [and] their presence here may become permanent … [so] that they are entitled to the protection of the Due Process Clause, especially when it comes to deprivations of liberty.”
The already loose rules on immigration are written about in the Daily Caller:
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Under current rules, border-crossers who are released are also allowed to compete against Americans for jobs, and to attend U.S. schools and to receive welfare, until their cases are decided by immigration judges.
But immigration courts are already so clogged with asylum-seekers that many cases aren’t decided for several years. The slow process gives migrants many opportunities to find other legal avenues to become citizens, and full access to U.S anti-poverty programs for themselves, their parents and their children.
Jonathan Tobin, an editor of Commentary magazine, took issue with the ruling, stating that “If liberal federal judges and the president are determined to trash the rule of law in this manner, we are on the verge of a full-blown constitutional crisis.”
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Judge Boasberg’s ruling also wants border officers to go through a lengthy process if they want to keep an illegal in prison. The judge declared: “Such detention harms putative class members in myriad ways, and as various mental health experts have testified, it is particularly harmful to minor children.”
Obama has used his control of executive agencies to reduce the enforcement of immigration laws on the books.
His aides have also given 4.7 million migrants work-permits and temporary residency.
Share this post if you think that the judge’s ruling on illegal immigrants is dangerous for America.

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