Sunday, March 1, 2015

Former Ukrainian MP from Party of Regions commits suicide in Kiev

Former Ukrainian MP from Party of Regions commits suicide in Kiev

February 28, 10:48 UTC+3
Mikhail Chechetov jumped from the window of his apartment on the 17th floor overnight to Saturday
KIEV, February 28. /TASS/. Former Verkhovna Rada deputy from the Party of Regions Mikhail Chechetov has committed suicide, the press service of Ukraine’s Interior Ministry said on Saturday.
Chechetov jumped from the window of his apartment on the 17th floor overnight to Saturday, the press service said.
The former MP left a death note that was found later by his wife, the ministry added.
On February 21, Kiev’s Pechersky District Court arrested Chechetov and placed him in custody until April 14, 2015. The court allowed a bail at 5 million hryvnias (around $180,000). Chechetov paid the bail.
The Prosecutor’s Office informed Chechetov on February 20 that he was suspected in abusing his authority and forgery. On January 16, 2014 Chechetov organized and held voting on laws tightening penalties for public order violators in protest actions.

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