BREAKING: Rick Perry Issues Texas-Sized Threat to Barack Obama [VIDEO]
The 2016 presidential race is just around the corner, and many of the top contenders recently appeared at the Conservative Political Action Conference to lay out their vision for America.
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry was one of them, and he had strong words about the country’s current path.
Perry made a direct connection between the threat from extremist groups and the immigration problems within the United States. He pointed out that rogue nations do not take America seriously when it cannot even keep its own border secured.
“Our allies doubt us, and our adversaries are all too willing to test us,” Perry said to the CPAC crowd.
“No one should be surprised that dictators like (Syrian President Bashar al-) Assad cross the president’s red line because he knows the president won’t even defend the line that separates our nation from Mexico,” he continued.
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“And that’s exactly why last summer I told the president, looked him right in the eye and I said, ‘If you will not secure the border between Texas and Mexico, Texas will,’” he said.
Perry backed up those words with action during the past year, when he ordered Texas National Guard troops to help patrol the southern border.
The border wasn’t the only thing on the Texan’s mind. Perry called out the president being in denial about radical organizations, including the Islamic State terrorist group.
“The president declared in the State of the Union that the advance of ISIS has been stopped, and that is simply not true,” Perry said. “We didn’t start this war, nor did we choose it, but we will have the will to finish it.”
Although the former governor had harsh words about Obama, he also offered a ray of hope for the coming years (H/T BizPac Review).
“We’ve survived worse,” he said. “We had a Civil War in this country. We had two world wars. We had a Great Depression. We even survived Jimmy Carter. We will survive the Obama years, too.”
Let’s hope he’s right.
If you agree with Rick Perry that it’s time to take our national security seriously and defend America’s border, please share this article on Facebook!
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